
Weekend Consultation Session and Immigration Procedures Consultation on Sunday, July 21st


The Hokkaido Foreign Resident Support Center will be holding a Weekend Consultation Session + Immigration Procedures Consultation Session for foreign residents living in Hokkaido on Sunday, July 21st. See below for details.

Weekend Consultation Session + Immigration Procedures Consultation Session
Date and time: July 21st, 2024 (Sunday), 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Place: Hokkaido Foreign Resident Support Center

Method: You can consult with us in person, or remotely via phone, online video calls, or SNS.
Price: Free
Reservation: https://forms.gle/HtmjyjUNJd5SBhMo9  
       *Reservations are recommended, but not required.

You can consult with our Support Center staff and immigration officials about the following topics:
1) Support Center staff: For questions about health insurance, pension, driver’s license, work issues, and more.
2) Immigration Officials: For questions about residence status, re-entry permits, permanent residency, etc.

We look forward to hearing from you!