• tel.011-200-9595
  • E-mail.support@hiecc.or.jp
  • Часы приема 9:00~12:00 / 13:00~17:00
  • Центр не работает в субботу и воскресенье, праздничные дни и в конце года.


To those sending money to dependent family overseas


As of January 1st 2023, the documents needed to verify the receipt of a dependent tax deduction have changed. If you are sending money to dependent family members overseas, this change may affect the filing of your year-end adjustments and tax returns. Please take a moment to review the necessary documents.

The necessary documents may vary based on the age(s) of your dependent family member(s). See the general outline below.
For those aged 16-29, or 70 years of age or older: documents concerning relatives, and documents concerning remittances
For those aged 30-69:
(1) Persons who no longer have a domicile or residence in Japan due to studying abroad: documents concerning relatives, documents concerning Visa for studying abroad, and documents concerning remittances
(2) For Disabled Persons: Documents concerning relatives, documents concerning remittances
(3) Persons who received more than 380,000 yen or more from you to cover living or educational expenses in that year: documents concerning relatives, and 380,000-yen remittance documents
*Dependents aged 30 ~ 69 who do not apply to the above categories (1) ~ (3) do NOT qualify for dependent tax deductions.

For more details, please review the multilingual guide on the NTA website.
Languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Spanish, Portuguese